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Copywriting with some dang personality!


Copywriting that makes your customers, and future ones,
want to buy.

Great copy helps you stand out. 
(because blending in - well, it's overdone)

There are over 31 million small businesses in the U.S. That's great news! It means there's room for us all. The not so great news, though - you can get lost in the big crowd.


Of course, you only get lost if you blend in. Wearing a huge sign with blinking lights that says, "Here to help,"gets people's attention, even in a crowd at Disney. 


Buuuut, that sign is so cumbersome.


Copy - the words you use to speak to your customers—is easier to tote around (although just as heavy, figuratively speaking).


Your words matter. They get your customer's attention and help make deposits in The Bank of Know, Like and Trust. And, you don't even have to wear a neon sign to do it. Or wear the sign as well. I'm all about marketing that stands out. 

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How can your business use a copywriter?

Yep, you know the things that no one wants to send, but you know there's money there. Well, first, you should send them!


Second, I write them. From newsletters, to nurture sequences, to sales emails for a holiday, I help get them from your to-do list to your customer's inbox.

Gesh! An ad isn't that long so why is it so hard to write?!


First, short is always the hardest to write. It requires you to whittle away any fluff and get to the point.


Second, I can help. That's what a copywriter does! I ask questions of you and study your audience to determine what's the most important. Then, I put it in words your clients will get. 

You've heard it a 1,000 times - every business should be doing video. And, well, you probably should be.


Perhaps you have but don't like the results. Maybe you are unsure what to say in your video or how to be concise while still entertaining.


Having a written script helps so much! Let's chat before you shoot your next video.

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Hey kiddo, I'm Rachel!

I'm a copywriter for creatives and e-commerce business owners and the founder of Inspire to Engage.

I'm also a mother, wife, daughter, podcast junkie, caffeine addict, left handed and a lover of old country music. (He Stopped Loving Her Today gets me every time).


But, you're reading this section to decide if there's a connection between you and me. It's why we stalk the Instagram account of a new business we found or a person we met. We're nosy. But, we're also looking for a story, a link, a thing that relates to our own lives. We're looking for a connection. 


Perhaps, the facts above connect us. Or, maybe you want to stalk - whoops, I'll say, "dig deeper"—to learn more about me. Click here to do so (and to see pictures that my awesome professional photographers would never approve of. They're mostly from my cell phone. And, probably like on your phone, these show real life.)

Know your ideal customer better.

One of the most overlooked parts of great copy - making the customer first priority. Snag this quickie to help you put the customer in your copy - not literally. You know what I mean, though.

Ways We Can Work Together



Need copy done for you?  Click here to learn more.


Copy Coaching

Need some quick help and suggestions? This is a great option. 


Digital Course

Wanting to know your ideal client better in a short course


Custom Project

Don't see a project that's exactly what your looking for? Email me.

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Gari-Ann Kia

branding photographer, owner of Kia and Co.

Rachel has been integral to the growth of my business by helping me with copy on my sales pages and service guide. Through getting to know my brand and ideal customers, she has helped me to center my messaging to speak to my audience and help me to see things through my customer's lens. I 100% recommend Rachel and Inspire to Engage for all your copywriting needs. Bonus: She's the best cheerleader a business owner & friend can have!!

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Gina Rivera

balloon artist, Owner of Gina's Balloon Decor

Rachel is amazing at taking the ideas in my head and helping me express them in written form. She really takes the time to dive deep into personal questions to get my authentic message across to my clients. If you are having trouble really putting your thoughts into a cohesive, clear message for your business, Rachel is your gal! She'll always be my go-to wherever I need copy support, and I couldn't recommend her more highly!

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Melody Tholstrup

marketing coach, owner of My Size Marketing

If you are looking for the right words AND in the right order to help market your business to your target customers, I HIGHLY recommend working the amazing Rachel Eubanks with Inspire to Engage! Rachel is not only an extremely professional and proficient copywriter, she's also worked with so many amazing entrepreneurs that she can really help you find the right words to tell your business "story" to your customers and prospects. Love working with her, and if you need help saying what is special about your business, then you need to call her TODAY!

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Get to know your ideal customer better.
It's the first step in everything - copywriting, product decisions, money, ev-a-thang.

© 2024 by Inspire to Engage                   

Kia and Co. - photography               

Made by Jacki Gil - website design consultant

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