Copywriting with some dang personality!

Ah, Emails
Let's put something in your customers' inboxes that they want to open
*But, a heads up. If you want someone to just "write some emails," you're probably at the wrong place. A good assistant can do that.
A copywriter (that's me!) learns about your audience, digs deep into your products and services and then uses words and psychology to "write some emails." :)

Starts at $1500
Start to Finish: 1 to 2 months
It's time! You have something new and are ready to let this baby fly. Awesome!
To launch this baby...
We'll meet for an initial video consultation where you tell me all about your product/service, your goals for this launch, your audience and more.
I'll send to you an email map - a plan for the number of emails agreed on in our first chat, delivery dates, etc.
Then, while you run a business, I'll get busy writing, reading, conducting market research, more writing, revising and so forth. I offer up to two rounds of revisions and at least 5 emails. (The total number of emails is determined by you when we meet in our initial consult.)
We'll meet to debrief. I'll hand over the finalized emails, and you'll go rock this thing.
Starts at $750
Timeline for first newsletter: 1 month
How wonderful to be invited to a customer's
(or potential one's) inbox on a regular basis!
It's like someone extending a dinner invitation every month
or week. It's a chance to catch up, to share what's new
in your world and to develop a relationship.
We'll do a video consultation to discuss your current newsletter (if one), any data you have, your goals with this kind of email, etc.
I'll go away and do my thing - think, write, research your niche, speak to customers, think and write some more. Up to two rounds of revisions are included here.
We'll meet on video to debrief and for me to share the newsletter with you.
Then you do your thing - send it, be awesome, follow up with comments, check data, etc.
Going Forward...
Starts at $275 a month
We'll meet monthly via video for 30 minutes to discuss what to include in the next newsletter(s) - service/ product details, upcoming events, any hot topics in your industry, etc.
I'll ask you to send a report about the previous newsletter(s) and any pictures you want to include.
You go run a business!
I get to writing, thinking and researching to deliver a newsletter to you.
You send it.
Rinse and repeat.
Email Coaching
Starts at $250
Start to finish: 1 to 2 weeks
What in the world am I doing?! If you wonder that about your emails, this option is for you.
I call this the "you write 'em, I'll critique 'em" package. Even though critique is a little strong. Perhaps nudge is a better word. You write 'em, and I'll nudge you in the right direction. No matter the word here, I'll push you to speak directly to your customers' needs and wants.
To push your email game to the next level...
You'll send me 3-5 of the latest emails you've sent your audience.
We'll then meet via video for you to share your concerns, your goals for your emails, any data you have (example - open rates), etc.
You'll go away and run an awesome business while I'll read and analyze and think and make notes.
Then, we'll meet on video to debrief. I'll share my suggestions, in written form for you to keep and reference later. You'll ask any questions you have and then go rock your email game.